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Anchoring.comWing Anchor, Rode, and Swivel Windlass Ready Kit for Boats to 39'

$637.99 $574.19


Product Features

  • Complete windlass* ready ground tackle kit for boats up to 39'
  • Includes a 22 LB Wing/Delta Style Anchor, Double-Braided Nylon Windlass Rope & Stainless Steel Chain (Prespliced 1/4" HT G4 Chain), Multi-Directional Swivel
  • All 316 Stainless construction
  • Save with bundle pricing
  • Complete windlass* ready ground tackle kit for boats up to 39'
  • Includes a 22 LB Wing/Delta Style Anchor, Double-Braided Nylon Windlass Rope & Stainless Steel Chain (Prespliced 1/4" HT G4 Chain), Multi-Directional Swivel
  • All 316 Stainless construction
  • Save with bundle pricing

ANCHOR - WNG-22SS (22 LB Stainless Steel Wing Anchor)

The Wing boat anchor (modeled after the original Delta boat anchors) is one of the most popular styles of anchor chosen by boat manufacturers today as standard equipment. The solid, one piece design, results in superior holding power than other similar plow anchors like the CQR and sets easily in most bottoms including mud, sand, rock, and more. This Norestar Wing anchor is constructed from solid stainless steel and will sparkle on the bow of any boat.

Being one the most common standard equipped anchor on boats today, it fits many bow rollers and pulpits (always confirm against manufacturer’s dimensions and specifications). It self launches, making it ideal for use with windlasses. Each anchor also includes a convenient trip line point at the back of the anchor.

Having a high holding power to weight ratio, boaters often need a lighter Wing/Delta anchor than may be necessary in other styles of anchors. For example, for most 25’ boats, a 13 lbs Wing/Delta anchor will be an adequate anchor choice.

All Norestar Wing/Delta Anchors come with a lifetime warranty against breakage.

RODE - WBRHT200-12SS Double-Braided Nylon Windlass Rope & Stainless Steel Chain (1/2" x 200' Rope spliced with 1/4" x 15' Chain)

Ideal for use with windlasses, this double braided nylon rope is professionally spliced to a generous amount of HT G4 stainless steel chain. By purchasing a pre-spliced rope and chain package, you save the extra expense, time, and effort of custom splicing the rope and chain separately.

Each windlass is equipped with a gypsy that fits a particular size of rope and chain. As well, each windlass will fit BBB Chain, HT Chain, or both. To determine your required chain and rope size, refer to your windlass manual. HT chain may also be referred to as G4 Chain, G43, ACCO HT Chain, or High Test chain, all of which are interchangeable.

Remember to always confirm rope and chain size against your windlass manual, as gypsy configurations vary.

*Note: This rode is not compatible with the following windlasses:
Lewmar 700 series
Maxwell Freedom series

New braided rope should be soaked in water (salt or fresh ok) to condition the rope so it can be used in the windlass initially. When the rope is used dry and new, slippage or sticking in the gypsy can occur. Once wet and used, braided rope generally performs better than 3-strand.

SWIVEL - MDAS-S (Multi-Directional Anchor Swivel)

An anchor swivel is an essential item to any anchor set up. The use of an anchor swivel prevents twisting of your rode while the anchor is set and also prevents your rode from snagging. Often your rode can be even more expensive than your anchor making the purchase of an anchor swivel a valuable investment!

Preserve your rode
Every anchor needs some sort of connection between itself and the rode (simply tying your rode to your anchor is a very bad idea!). Traditionally, this has been accomplished by some sort of shackle.

One problem arises from using such shackles: as the boat naturally turns while anchored, so too does the chain/rode. This rotating action inherently puts a considerable amount of strain on your rode, thereby decreasing its life. With the use of a multi-directional swivel, the swivel, rather than the rode itself, rotates as the boat turns which increases the life of your rode.

Smoother retrieval of your anchor
Our swivels are multi-directional meaning at the center of the anchor swivel also lies a toggle/bend. This toggle allows the anchor to shift to a more convenient angle when you are pulling it on to the deck.

When using a bow roller, our swivels also allow easier stowage of your anchor due to the bend in the swivel.

WNG Anchor Dimensions

Model WNG-22SS

  • A) 27 1/4"
  • B) 12 1/4"
  • C) 11 3/4"
  • D) 1/2"
  • E) 10"
  • F) 20 1/2"
  • G) 9 1/4"

MDAS diagram

MDAS-S (Small)

  • Anchor Pin to Swivel Gap (A): 7/8"
  • Anchor Shank Gap (B): 5/8"
  • Length (C): 4 3/4"
  • Chain Gap (D): 7/16"

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